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Financial Terms Dictionary

October 7, 2011

I’ve got a bunch of things to mention today. First, I’ll be at M.I.T. in less than two weeks to give a talk to women in math about working in business. Feel free to come if you are around and interested!

Next, last night I signed up for this free online machine learning course being offered out of Stanford. I love this idea and I really think it’s going to catch on. There are groups here in New York that are getting together to talk about the class and do homework. Very cool!

Next, I’m going back to the protests after work. The media coverage has gotten better and Matt Stoller really wrote a great piece and called on people to stop criticizing and start helping, which is always my motto. For my part, I’m planning to set up some kind of Finance Q&A booth at the demonstration with some other friends of mine in finance. It’s going to be hard since I don’t have lots of time but we’ll try it and see. One of my artistic friends came up with this:

Finally, one last idea. I wanted to find a funny way to help people understand financial and economic stuff, so I thought of starting a “Financial Terms Dictionary”, which would start with an obscure phrase that economists and bankers use and translate it into plain English. For example, under “injection of liquidity” you might see “the act of printing money and giving it to the banks”.

I’d love comments and suggestions for the Financial Terms Dictionary! I’ll start a separate page for it if it catches on.

  1. Aaron Schumacher
    October 7, 2011 at 9:01 am

    Cool! I’m doing the ML class too! Looks good!


  2. bertie
    October 7, 2011 at 11:40 pm

    Haaaa that booth image is priceless!

    Fantasic idea with the on-site Q&A, look forward to hearing how it goes…


  3. October 8, 2011 at 3:32 am

    Enjoy Boston! (Cambridge, I know)

    I enjoyed the Peanuts.

    Your sample definition sounds suitably in the spirit of Samuel Johnson; he defined ‘lexicographer’ as ‘A harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification of words’.

    I would certainly be interested to learn about economics, finance and financial jargon from you.


  4. hedgefundindia
    October 9, 2011 at 7:57 am

    nice blog.keep it up..


  5. October 21, 2011 at 1:39 pm

    I would like to offer you my work. I have just finished financial dictionaries website. May be it helps you.


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