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Upcoming talks

September 23, 2013

Tomorrow evening I’m meeting with the Columbia Data Science Society and talking to them – who as I understand it are mostly engineers – about “how to think like a data scientist”.

On October 11th I’ll be in D.C. sitting on a panel discussion organized by the Americans for Financial Reform. It’s part of a day-long event on the topic of transparency in financial regulation. The official announcement isn’t out yet but I’ll post it here as soon as I can. I’ll be giving my two cents on what mathematical tools can do and cannot do with respect to this stuff.

On October 16th I’ll again be in D.C. giving a talk in the MAA Distinguished Lecture Series to a mostly high school math teacher audience. My talk is entitled, “Start Your Own Netflix”.

Finally, I’m going to Harvard on October 30th to give a talk in their Applied Statistics Workshop series. I haven’t figured out exactly what I’m talking about but it will be something nerdy and skeptical.

Categories: data science, finance
  1. Guest2
    September 23, 2013 at 11:08 am

    I’m curious, do you rely on local topological properties of search space? Like small world topologies (Duncan)? When looking for or sorting particular data?


  2. September 23, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    How is your study of accounting coming along? I understand there’s an area of accounting practice called “forensic accounting.” You write here of “what mathematical tools can do and cannot do with respect to this stuff.” I’m guessing that the things mathematical tools can do about this stuff, falls under the general heading of “forensic mathematical tools.”

    Too much of the discussion of what can be done about the problems consumers encounter in the financial marketplace degenerate into the PR fad called “financial education” or “financial literacy.” I hope your Washington conference does not turn out to be yet another of those. When I was a kid people talked in terms of “consumer education” which utilized math, economics, psychology and a few other things, and the general assumption that “the salescritter is not [necessarily] your friend.” The “financial literacy” fad that has replaced it assumes that someone who understands compound interest should have all the tools they need. I’m hoping that when mathematical tools are leveraged in service to the cause of financial transparency, the starting assumption will be that we are in a disinformation matrix. Or whatever the correct terminology would be.


  3. September 23, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    You must see this one, the over quantified self (grin) she’s data scientist strapping on every monitoring she can get her hands on to quantify herself:) She works for one of those companies that makes devices that gathers and sells your data too:) Whats’ up with this woman besides needing a life. Just think if we all bought into this we could all look like her…not:) Keep sanity going so we don’t become like her:)



  4. September 24, 2013 at 2:58 am

    Not for Aunt Pythia, I’m afraid, but do you have any comments on this?
    I’m a 57 yro Occupy supporter & like the goals of their “Rolling Jubilee” project…


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