Home > musing > The NYC subway, Aunt Pythia, my zits, and Louis CK

The NYC subway, Aunt Pythia, my zits, and Louis CK

November 5, 2012

Please pardon the meandering nature of this post. It’s that kind of Monday morning.


So much for coming together as a city after a disaster. The New York mood was absolutely brutal on the subway this morning.

I went into the subway station in awe of the wondrous infrastructure that is the NY subway, looking for someone to make out with in sheer rapture that my kids are all in school, but after about 15 minutes I was clawing my way, along with about 15 other people, onto the backs of people already stuffed like sausages on the 2 train at 96th street.

For god’s sakes, people, look at all that space up top! Can you people who are traveling together please give each other piggy-back rides so we don’t waste so much goddamn space? Sheesh.


I’m absolutely blown away by the questions I’ve received already for my Aunt Pythia advice column: you guys are brilliant, interesting, and only a little bit abusive.

My only complaint is that the questions so far are very, very deep, and I was hoping for some very silly and/or sexual questions so I could make this kind of lighthearted and fun in between solving the world’s pressing problem.

Even so, well done. I’m worried I might have to replace mathbabe altogether just to answer all these amazing questions. Please give me more!


After some amazing on-line and off-line comments for my zit model post from yesterday, I’ve come to a few conclusions:

  • Benzoyl peroxide works for lots of people. I’ll try it, what the hell.
  • An amazing number of people have done this experiment.
  • It may be something you don’t actually want to do. For example, as Jordan pointed out yesterday, what if you find out it’s caused by something you really love doing? Then your pleasure doing that would be blemished.
  • It may well be something you really don’t want other people to do. Can you imagine how annoyingly narcissistic and smug everyone’s going to be when they solve their acne/weight/baldness problems with this kind of stuff? The peer pressure to be perfect is gonna be even worse than it currently is. Blech! I love me some heterogeneity in my friends.


Finally, and I know I’m the last person to find out about everything (except Gangnam Style, which I’ll be sure to remind you guys of quite often), but I finally got around to absolutely digging Louis CK when he hosted SNL this weekend. A crazy funny man, and now I’m going through all his stuff (or at least the stuff available to me for free on Amazon Prime).

Categories: musing
  1. Emanuel Derman
    November 5, 2012 at 9:50 am

    Louis CK is terrific. You can get Seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix and Season 3 on iTunes.


  2. Deborah gieringer
    November 5, 2012 at 10:59 am

    We were puzzling why SNL is regularly so lame (we measure it regularly on our lamometer) and yet somehow, its writers manage to be talented for the one episode that Louis CK hosts. How can this be?


    • Cynicism
      November 5, 2012 at 1:06 pm

      Actually there’s been a notable uptick in SNL quality this year for whatever reason (no more Samberg/Wiig? The de-emphasis of Fred Armisen? A really promising young female part of the cast? Hader, Sudekis, and Thompson at the height of their powers?)

      If anything, the Louis CK episode pales in comparison to the Bruno Mars episode last week or the Joseph Gordon-Levitt episode a few weeks ago.


  3. Deborah gieringer
    November 5, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Beauty hint: Unless the zit has conquered a sizable territory of your face with flames and devastation, the only person who will notice it is you. If it has succeeded at this remarkable feat, those who notice are thinking, “Yeah, I’ve had one of those …”


  4. JSE
    November 5, 2012 at 11:29 am

    So let me get this straight; you were making out with somebody on the subway when suddenly Louis CK asked you for some sex advice, and then your acne went away?


  5. mathematrucker
    November 6, 2012 at 11:20 am

    One of the greatest events to ever impact the world of trucking was the introduction of mass-marketed satellite radio about a dozen years ago. Got my first XM radio in October 2002. I would sometimes listen to the uncensored comedy channel all day while driving through some of the remotest territory imaginable (US 50 through Nevada and Utah, for example). One of the first – and funniest – bits I have ever heard Louis CK do is his nymphomaniac one. It’s probably on YouTube if you’ve never heard it. (I have it on mp3 if it’s not – I could post it there myself.) It’s hilarious! Louis CK easily ranks as one of my favorite comedians of all time.


  6. Michelle
    November 7, 2012 at 2:47 am

    Before his current show, there was “Lucky Loius” on Showtime (I think). This was the very first scene of the series. Brilliant!


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