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BISG Methodology

August 29, 2016

I’ve been tooling around with the slightly infamous BISG methodology lately. It’s a simple concept which takes the last name of a person, as well as the zip code of their residence, and imputes the probabilities of that person being of various races and ethnicities using the Bayes updating rule.

The methodology is implemented with the most recent U.S. census data and critically relies on the fact that segregation is widespread in this country, especially among whites and blacks, and that Asian and Hispanic last names are relatively well-defined. It’s not a perfect methodology, of course, and it breaks down in the cases that people marry people of other races, or there are names in common between races, and especially when they live in diverse neighborhoods.

The BISG methodology came up recently in this article (hat tip Don Goldberg) about the man who invented it and the politics surrounding it. Specifically, it was recently used by the CFPB to infer disparate impact in auto lending, and the Republicans who side with auto lending lobbyists called it “junk science.” I blogged about this here and, even earlier, here.

Their complaints, I believe, center around the fact that the methodology, being based on the entire U.S. population, isn’t entirely accurate when it comes to auto lending, or for that matter when it comes to mortgages, which was the CFPB’s “ground truth” testing arena.

And that’s because minorities basically have less wealth, due to a bunch of historical racist reasons, but the upshot is that this methodology assumes a random sampling of the U.S. population but what we actually see in auto financing isn’t random.

Which begs the question, why don’t we update the probabilities with the known distribution of auto lending? That’s the thing about Bayes Law, we can absolutely do that. And once we did that, the Republican’s complaint would disappear. Please, someone tell me what I’m misunderstanding.

Between you and me, I think the real gripe is something along the lines of the so-called voter fraud problem, which is not really a problem statistically but since examples can be found of mistakes, we might imagine they’re widespread. In this case, the “mistake” is a white person being offered restitution for racist auto lending practices, which happens, and is a strange problem to have, but needs to be compared to not offering restitution to a lot of people who actually deserve it.

Anyhoo, I’m planning to add the below code to github, but I recently purchased a new laptop and I haven’t added a public key yet, so I’ll get to it soon. To be clear, the below code isn’t perfect, and it only uses zip code whereas a more precise implementation would use addresses. I’m supplying this because I didn’t find it online in python, only in STATA or something crazy expensive like that. Even so, I stole their munged census data, which you can too, from this github page.

Also, I can’t seem to get the python spacing to work in WordPress, so this is really pretty terrible, but python users will be able to figure it out until I can get it on github.

%matplotlib inline

import numpy
import matplotlib
from pandas import *
import pylab
pylab.rcParams[‘figure.figsize’] = 16, 12

#Clean your last names and zip codes.

def get_last_name(fullname):
parts_list = fullname.split(‘ ‘)
while parts_list[-1] in [”, ‘ ‘,’ ‘,’Jr’, ‘III’, ‘II’, ‘Sr’]:
parts_list = parts_list[:-1]
if len(parts_list)==0:
return “”
return parts_list[-1].upper().replace(“‘”, “”)

def clean_zip(fullzip):
if len(str(fullzip))<5:
return 0
return int(str(fullzip)[:5])
return 0

Test = read_csv(“file.csv”)
Test[‘Name’] = Test[‘name’].map(lambda x: get_last_name(x))
Test[‘Zip’] = Test[‘zip’].map(lambda x: clean_zip(x))

#Add zip code probabilities. Note these are probability of living in a specific zip code given that you have a given race. They are extremely small numbers.

F = read_stata(“zip_over18_race_dec10.dta”)
print “read in zip data”

names =[‘NH_White_alone’,’NH_Black_alone’, ‘NH_API_alone’, ‘NH_AIAN_alone’,       ‘NH_Mult_Total’, \

trans = dict(zip(names, [‘White’, ‘Black’, ‘API’, ‘AIAN’, ‘Mult’, ‘Hisp’, ‘Other’]))
totals_by_race = [float(F[r].sum()) for r in names]
sum_dict = dict(zip(names, totals_by_race))

#I’ll use the generic_vector down below when I don’t have better name information

generic_vector = numpy.array(totals_by_race)/numpy.array(totals_by_race).sum()

for r in names:
F[‘pct of total %s’ %(trans[r])] = F[r]/sum_dict[r]

print “ready to add zip probabilities”

def get_zip_probs(zip):
G = F[F[‘ZCTA5’]==str(zip)][[‘pct of total White’,’pct of total Black’, ‘pct of total API’, \
‘pct of total AIAN’, ‘pct of total Mult’, ‘pct of total Hisp’, \
‘pct of total Other’]]
if len(G.values)>0:
return numpy.array(G.values[0])
print “no data for zip = “, zip
return numpy.array([1.0]*7)

Test[‘Prob of zip given race’] = Test[‘Zip’].map(lambda x: get_zip_probs(x))

#Next, compute the probability of each race given a specific name.

Names = read_csv(“app_c.csv”)

print “read in name data”

def clean_probs(p):
return float(p)
return 0.0

for cat in [‘pctwhite’, ‘pctblack’, ‘pctapi’, ‘pctaian’, ‘pct2prace’, ‘pcthispanic’]:
Names[cat] = Names[cat].map(lambda x: clean_probs(x)/100.0)

Names[‘pctother’] = Names.apply(lambda row: max (0, 1 – float(row[‘pctwhite’]) – \
float(row[‘pctblack’]) – float(row[‘pctapi’]) – \
float(row[‘pctaian’]) – float(row[‘pct2prace’]) – \
float(row[‘pcthispanic’])), axis = 1)

print “ready to add name probabilities”

def get_name_probs(name):
G = Names[Names[‘name’]==name][[‘pctwhite’, ‘pctblack’, ‘pctapi’, ‘pctaian’,  ‘pct2prace’, ‘pcthispanic’, ‘pctother’]]
if len(G.values)>0:
return numpy.array(G.values[0])
return generic_vector

Test[‘Prob of race given name’] = Test[‘Name’].map(lambda x: get_name_probs(x))

#Finally, use the Bayesian updating formula to compute overall probabilities of each race.

Test[‘Prod’] = Test[‘Prob of zip given race’]*Test[‘Prob of race given name’]
Test[‘Dot’] = Test[‘Prod’].map(lambda x: x.sum())
Test[‘Final Probs’] = Test[‘Prod’]/Test[‘Dot’]

Test[‘White Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[0])
Test[‘Black Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[1])
Test[‘API Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[2])
Test[‘AIAN Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[3])
Test[‘Mult Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[4])
Test[‘Hisp Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[5])
Test[‘Other Prob’] = Test[‘Final Probs’].map(lambda x: x[6])

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. August 29, 2016 at 8:42 am

    Reblogged this on Matthews' Blog.


  2. Josh
    August 29, 2016 at 10:02 am

    Thanks for your work moving this effort forward. As you point out, incorporating new information is exactly what Bayesian methods are designed to do. Clearly adding that information will improve the accuracy and address the critics stated objections.

    As you note, the major obstacles are not methodological. It is people being obstructive by demanding perfection, which is, of course, impossible.


  3. August 29, 2016 at 2:13 pm

    Reblogged this on Managementpublic.


  4. Neal
    August 29, 2016 at 11:55 pm
  5. August 30, 2016 at 12:19 am

    Brings back memories of the infamous flawed Unz study on Jewish students at Harvard using so-called Jewish surnames. He made many mistakes, especially when it came to modern Israeli names and Sephardi Jewish names which were excluded by his focusing only on Ashkenazi Jewish names – which often were European, but not necessarily Jewish.. His was definitely “junk science.”


    and taking a counterview:



  6. August 30, 2016 at 12:22 am

    Zip codes or census tracts? Zip codes often cover several census tracts, and might include black and white clusters. When Berkeley didn’t have the promised spot in Married Student Housing, my wife and I were 2 out of a total of 3 white people living in a ghetto in Richmond, CA, but outside the black ghetto there were a lot of white people in the same zip code and town.


  7. September 4, 2016 at 12:22 am

    Something like this was used in New Zealand last year to estimate the proportion of homes being bought by foreign investors.

    Well, actually, it was used to estimate the proportion of homes being bought by people of Chinese ethnicity, and the jump to foreign ownerships was a separate step basically unsupported by the data. I wrote about it here: http://www.statschat.org.nz/2015/07/11/whats-in-a-name/

    So in that case there was nothing wrong with the ethnicity estimation per se — and it will be even more accurate for estimating population proportions — but there’s the common problem of people mistaking the number they can get for the number they want.


  8. G.
    September 7, 2016 at 1:57 am

    Just post your python code snippet to gist.github.com and then embed it just like this:



  9. Abe Kohen
    September 7, 2016 at 8:11 am

    Don’t want to get into a political debate. so here goes.

    I don’t understand what Bayes is going to do for you. Maybe you can explain what you hope to achieve with that?

    Whether or not one can predict or deduce racial/ethnic classification from surnames is actually testable for a few fringe or boundary cases. The Census publishes race by county. Zip codes do not necessarily line up with county boundaries, but there are:

    1. Counties with a single zip code, totally contained within that county, and
    2. Counties with multiple zip codes, but all zip codes are within that county. Perhaps NY County (all zips starting with 100, 101 and 102).

    So you can actually test your prediction methodology vs the census “gospel,” in these cases.

    Furthermore, and I’m not a mathematician, but perhaps you can use those cases to bootstrap your predictions for other zip codes. Maybe that’s what your Bayesian is trying to achieve?


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