Home > finance > Reading Geithner’s Stress Test

Reading Geithner’s Stress Test

May 14, 2014

I’m reading Tim Geithner’s new book Stress Test: Reflection on Financial Crises in preparation for a discussion in this week’s Slate Money podcast. I also plan to write a review here.

I don’t want to say too much because I’m not even halfway through but here’s one thing: Geithner is surprisingly honest about certain things and predictably dishonest, or at least misleading, about other things.

And although at first I thought it would be purely painful to read this book, since I don’t have any respect for the guy, now I’m glad I’m doing it, because it exposes so much about how the old boys network operates. It’s material.

Categories: finance
  1. Guest2
    May 15, 2014 at 8:05 am

    Are you saying that his decisions were based on the cognitive characteristics of his social networks?

    No surprise there. Consciousness is, after all, a group artifact; and since it is socially constructed, constraints are always being imposed on the basis of our network position.


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