Home > Aunt Pythia > Aunt Pythia: on her death bed

Aunt Pythia: on her death bed

June 29, 2013


Dear Aunt Pythia Readers,


I’m afraid I have some bad news. Aunt Pythia has been suffering from a lack of (good) questions recently, and is running out of steam. She might well be dead within the week.

Although she’s been supplied with one new good question, as well as a few older questions she’s deemed somewhat lame (and quite a few that are downright obscene), it just doesn’t make sense for her to keep going without a week’s rest, and hopefully some shoring up of her “good questions” list.

Was it the fact that last week’s column was on Sunday? Was it because the questions have become less nerdy and more sex-related? Hard to say, but the truth is Aunt Pythia has been scraping by week to week since the get-go, and this was bound to happen at some point. She’s never yet made up a question, by the way, and considers it below her high-ish standards to do so (although she’s convinced she could make up some doozies if she tried).

Do you want her to die? Maybe you do. In that case: do nothing.

If you are, however, fond of Auntie P, then please take it upon yourself to ask a question below. Hopefully, with some TLC, she will be back on her feet next week. Otherwise, she will be permanently removed as a feature from mathbabe, which would be sad indeed.





Here’s your chance to save Aunt Pythia!!

Categories: Aunt Pythia
  1. Christina
    June 29, 2013 at 9:28 am

    Please don’t kill her! Laughing at your responses to even lame-ish questions is part of my Saturday routine. I’m just sorry my life is so boring that I can’t throw in any good questions of my own…..


  2. June 29, 2013 at 11:57 am

    How do one submit a question?


  3. Michael Edesess
    July 4, 2013 at 1:52 am

    Oops sorry, missed the form.


  1. July 13, 2013 at 7:12 am
  2. September 21, 2013 at 8:46 am
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