Home > musing > I am the bus queen of Stockholm

I am the bus queen of Stockholm

June 20, 2013

Do you know what I really love? Maps. All kinds of maps. If you come to my house, you won’t see standard artwork on the walls, but instead you’ll see: knitting, hanging musical instruments, and maps.

In my kitchen I have a huge map of New York City, which I purchased from Staples for $99 when I moved to the city in 2005, as well as a large subway map, and more recently a bike map. I’ve got New York covered.

And whenever I go to a new city, I enjoy staring at a good map for a few hours, figuring out how to get from place to place by walking or taking a subway or bus. I’m never interested in driving, because I don’t own a car nor do I enjoy riding cabs.

Here’s the map of Stockholm I’ve been staring at for the past few weeks:

Screen Shot 2013-06-20 at 9.39.22 AM

It’s a bus map of Stockholm. We smartly bought 7-day passes our first day here, and since kids 12 and younger are free and 13-year-olds are subsidized, this has been a huge win. We’ve been whizzing around the city daily. Buses are really the way to go.

Now, if you’re from certain American cities, you might disagree. You might think buses are slow and painful. But not here! They come every few minutes, more often than subways, and they seem to magically glide from stop to stop (the stops are more infrequent here than in New York, one reason they’re much more efficient). It’s like an unguided tour every time you go anywhere, my favorite kind!

I’ve gotten so excited about (and so proficient at) getting from point A to point B on the bus system, I’ve taken to calling myself the “Bus Queen (of Stockholm),” with practically no self-consciousness whatsoever, even though everyone here speaks perfect English and can hear me brag incessantly to my kids (to their credit, the older ones roll their eyes appropriately).

My four-year-old, who thinks everything I say is true, has asked his older brother to build a Minecraft World called “Bus Queen” in honor of my title, which he has done. As I understand it, the Minecraft villagers internal to Bus Queen World are just about done erecting a Town Hall in my honor. I go!!


One of the great boons of the bus system here in Stockholm is that, unlike Citibikes in New York, you can take a sick and drugged-up 4-year-old on the bus and go places you otherwise wouldn’t be able to walk to. This has been pretty convenient for all of us, believe you me.

But here’s the sad part: there’s a bus strike today in Stockholm and a few other Swedish cities. The bus queen, sadly, may have no throne on which to sit on this, her last day of reign (because we’re coming home tomorrow).

This strike makes me realize something about workers’ conditions in the U.S. which I haven’t thought about since the 2005 New York transit workers’ strike. Namely, Americans don’t have a lot of sympathy for striking workers compared to Europeans. Partly this is because we Americans prize convenience over other people’s conditions (“Can the bus drivers please return to work until after I’ve left Stockholm? The Bus Queen beseeches you!”), and partly this is due, I’m guessing, to the fact that there’s so much income disparity in the U.S. that there’s always some other group of workers worse off than the people striking.

Categories: musing
  1. Marcus
    June 20, 2013 at 7:10 am

    Hi. I am a resident in Stockholm. I just love the city and the great transportation system.
    Just a tip, there are rental bikes, why don’t enjoy Stockholm riding bikes? 🙂


    • June 20, 2013 at 8:26 am

      I know! My oldest son doesn’t bike nor does he want to. Otherwise that’d be a great way to get around.


      • somedude
        June 21, 2013 at 12:14 pm

        Then tell him that he can sit on the rack in the back of your bike. 😛


  2. June 20, 2013 at 9:54 am

    Beautiful! And do you know what *I* really love? Maps. All kinds of maps!


  3. Brad Davis
    June 20, 2013 at 11:47 am

    I love maps too. I don’t spend as much time looking at them as you do, but I find them beautiful and whenever I move to a new city I like to spend a lot of time (before arriving and after) looking over the maps. I find it interesting both from an analysis perspective of determining the best ways to get from point A to point B, but also as a historical document. I find it interesting to observe how cities have changed over time by looking at the changing maps. I think they provide an interesting insight as to why a city or a neighbourhood within a city has a particular set of characteristics. The physical layout of the neighbourhood which has been influenced by physical geography, politics, and changing demographics are reflected in them.

    Cheers to maps!


  4. Blimp Rider
    June 20, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    Was that a little “dig” at Citibikes?……. BTW – the MTA lets wee kids ride for free


  5. albrt
    June 21, 2013 at 1:19 am

    Americans don’t have sympathy for striking workers because Americans are nasty scabs who deserve what the 1% are doing to them.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but there it is.


  6. June 26, 2013 at 10:27 am

    I love maps and public transit, but perhaps because I grew up carless in Southern California and then lived carless in the Pacific Northwest for a decade, depending on pathetic (in the former) and passable (in the latter) bus service in those places, I have always had less love for bus systems. It never occurred to me until now that if you do bus systems right, like it sounds that Stockholm has, they can be really, really convenient.


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