Home > #OWS, modeling > Elizabeth Fischer talks about climate modeling at Occupy today

Elizabeth Fischer talks about climate modeling at Occupy today

April 7, 2013

I’m really excited to be going to the pre-meeting talk of my Occupy group today. We’re having a talk by Elizabeth Fischer, who is a post-doc at NASA GISS, a laboratory focused largely on climate change up here in the Columbia neighborhood.

She is coming to talk with us about her work investigating the long-term behavior of ice sheets in a changing climate.  Before joining GISS, Dr. Fischer was a quant on Wall Street, working on statistical arbitrage, trade execution, simulation/modeling platforms, signal development, and options trading. I met her when we were both students at math camp in 1988, but we reconnected this past summer at the reunion.

The actual title of her talk is “The History of CO2: Past, Present and Future” and it’s open to the public, so please come if you can (it’s at 2:00 pm in room 409 here but more details are here).

After Elizabeth, we’ll be having our usual Occupy meeting. Topics this week include our plans for a Citigroup and HSBC picket later this month, our panel submissions to the Left Forum in June, our plans for May Day, and continued work on writing a book modeled after the Debt Resistor’s Operations Manual.

Housekeeping – RSS feed for mathbabe broken, possibly fixed

I’ve been trying to address the problem people have been having with their RSS feed for mathbabe. Thanks to my nerd-girl friend Jennifer Rubinovitz, I’ve changed some settings in my WordPress settings and now I can view all of my posts when I open up RSSOwl. But in order for your reader to get caught up I have a feeling you’ll need to somehow refresh it or maybe get rid of mathbabe and then re-subscribe. I’ll update as I learn more (please tell me what’s working for you!).

Categories: #OWS, modeling
  1. John
    April 7, 2013 at 9:00 am

    Thanks for trying to fix the RSS feed. Trying to migrate to NewsFire in preparation for the shutdown of Google Reader. Still nothing after the “WTF is happening in Cyprus” post. Just refreshed at 8:58 a.m. EDT Sun.

    Too bad Bob’s talk won’t be posted. Rochester is quite a drive to attend.


    • John
      April 7, 2013 at 9:05 am

      Just tried a delete/resubscribe to the feed. Gets nothing.

      Opened the page in Chrome and note this error:

      “This page contains the following errors:
      error on line 509 at column 251: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
      Bytes: 0x03 0x26 0x23 0x38
      Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.”


      • John
        April 7, 2013 at 9:24 am

        working now. go figure.


  2. April 7, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    The feed is fixed now for me too, and had received the same error with XML formatting for a couple days. I use an Outlook add in IntraVnews that categorizes and brings all feeds into my email and I thought it had gone nuts at first:)


  3. TL
    April 7, 2013 at 2:32 pm

    RSS feed works now in Thunderbird.


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